Many times, you might need to forward an email to someone. It can be related to a spam or scam mail investigation, or anything else. If you forward the email as people usually do, it won’t contain the routing information, header, and some other relevant things. In that case, you have to forward an email as an attachment so that the recipient receives a .eml file.
Forward an email as an attachment from Outlook app
To forward an email as an attachment from Outlook app, follow these steps- To get started, you need to open the Outlook app on your Windows PC and select an email that you want to send as an attachment. It can contain only text, image, or anything else. Next, you need to make sure that you are in the Home tab. If so, find the More button in the Respond section, and select Forward as Attachment option.
If you are using the newer versions of Outlook including Outlook for Office 365, you will get this option in the Respond section. However, if you are using an older version of Outlook (Outlook 2003 and 2007), you need to go to Actions > Forward as Attachment. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Alt+F buttons together. It does the same job, but the option placements are different. After that, you can find a pop-up window where you can write down the recipient’s email address, change the default subject line, compose the email body, etc. At last, click the Send button to get the job done. If you want to do the same while using, you should know that there is no direct option to do it. That implies you cannot find a dedicated option or button in the as Outlook desktop app offers to the users. However, it is possible to send an email as an attachment from, and the process is mentioned below.
Always forward an email as an attachment from Outlook app
If you like to forward an email as attachment always, you can make a simple change in the settings panel of the Outlook app. It is quite easy and not much time consuming as well. It is handy when you need to send tons of emails as an attachment to someone. Instead of going through the steps as mentioned above to send only one email as attachment at a time, you can make this tweak to do it automatically. The best thing is that you do not need any third-party service for this. Open the Outlook app on your computer and go to File > Options. In the popup window, click the Mail tab and scroll down to the Replied and forwards section.
Here you can find a drop-down menu named When forwarding a message. You need to select Attach original message from the list and click the OK button to save the change.
Forward an email as an attachment from
To forward an email as an attachment from, follow these steps- At first, you need to sign in to your Microsoft account on the website. After that, compose a new email by clicking the New message button. It should open up the compose window like it usually does on the web version of Outlook. Now, you need to select the email that you want to send as an attachment. If you are using the default appearance of Outlook, you should find the email list on your left side. Once you get the email, you need to click on it, hold the mouse, drag it to the email body section and drop it accordingly.
Now you should find an attachment in your new email. Following that, you can enter the recipient’s email address, add a subject line, write something in the email body, and click the Send button. That’s all! I hope this tutorial will be helpful to you. Read next: How to attach and send emails as attachments in Gmail.